We’ve all been there, tarot lovers, that is. A new deck comes out and we just have to have
it so we click that buy button. Shortly thereafter, another one comes out and
we buy that one too. There appears to be
a cycle of new decks being released all at once and then there is nothing for a
long time. During those down times, we discover decks that were previously
released, and darn it! We have it to
have those too! I, personally, wouldn’t
know about that. Uuuuhhhhh. Yes I would.
HA There are so many beautiful decks
(tarot and oracle) that once we get started, it can be hard to stop and before
we know it, we’ve spent all of our self imposed deck allowance (or more) on
new (or new to us) decks. Can you say “buying spree”?
There comes a point when you know you absolutely, positively
have to stop or you will be reading your cards in the dark because you didn’t
have enough to pay the electric bill.
Now, I haven’t actually experienced that but it has definitely been
tempting at times. LOL If you are
anything like me, and I know I am (yes, I did that on purpose), you usually
don’t have money to spend on decks and you just have to wait until you have the
extra cash. But what if you are craving
new deck? You know what I’m talking
about. The need to experience the
excitement of getting a delivery, opening it with the wonder and excitement of
“what will I think of this deck?”, “how will we work together?”, or “I wonder
what the so and so card will look like”.
What if…you didn’t have the money to purchase a new deck and you really
want to fulfill that need of a new one?
I have 2 answers for you.
The first one is this…trading for one.
I’m sure there is a deck or two that you really don’t connect with that
someone else would absolutely love to have.
There are Facebook groups that are specifically for trading decks and it
can really be a fun and inexpensive way of getting a new to you deck with
spending only the price of postage. You
do have to be careful here because you have to be sure that you can trust the
people that you will be dealing with. I
recommend being in a group for awhile and watch the participants. You will be able to tell who you can trust
and who you cant and while I’ve only traded once, there are some really
fabulous people in the tarot community and you more than likely wont have a
problem, but there is always that chance that it wont go well. I do have to say, I have not heard of any
problems where I hang out. You will also
need to decide if you want to partner up with people who live in another
country than you do because postage can be quite high. Sometimes shipping from one country to
another can be just as high as a $25 dollar deck. This is not a problem if you’ve been looking
for your Holy Grail for a long time, however, that is not generally the
case. Trading is how I got my Tarot of
Trees deck by Dana Driscoll that I had been eyeing for a few years but never
pushed that buy button. No regrets.
Transparent Tarot by
Emily Carding
The Oracle of Proverbs by Delphine Sutherland falls into the
category of “received a lot of decks at the same time so it got pushed
aside”. Obviously, this is a deck of
proverbs, some I know and others that I’ve never heard of before. There’s a reason those proverbs have been
around forever. I’m telling ya. There is sage advice in them. I’m more of a tarot gal, more than oracles
but there are some that I just love.
This one is at the top of the list now.
Again, WOWZA! I have been using
it as an additional info card in my tarot readings and it provides so much more
depth. I use it as a “what else does the
client need to know about this situation” and it has either shed just a bit
more light on the subject or it has been a source of comfort for the
client. Right now, they are out of
print, but if she gets enough people interested in the deck, she may put an
order in.
I went on a lot longer than I had planned to but it has been
so much fun revisiting old decks that I had to share.
So there you go….a couple of different ways of getting that
new deck feeling when you are on a tight tarot budget.
Don’t be afraid to raid your own stash.
Give an old deck a try that that you didn’t connect with at first or
trade with a trusted new friend on Facebook. Please remember that I’m not
recommending that you never buy another deck (I’m not crazy), but digging in
your own tarot stash can be just as exciting as hitting that buy button.
Tarot on!
If you are interested in any of these decks, the links are below
If you are interested in any of these decks, the links are below
Tarot of Trees
Transparent Tarot -this is the link to Amazon but you may be able to find it locally
Oracle of Proverbs